Chapter 50: Homecoming

While Caden was infiltrating the assault cruiser, the Nebula Skimmer continued its deadly dance around the remaining enemy fighters. Solari deftly maneuvered the craft, weaving between laser blasts and retaliating with well-aimed rockets. Another enemy fighter erupted into a dazzling fireball, its remains scattering across the vast emptiness of space.

Orion, its systems ever alert and analytical, found the perfect opening to launch another missile. It streaked through the cold void, a burning comet with only one purpose. The third enemy fighter was reduced to wreckage within seconds, its hull breaking apart under the force of the blast.

Ember, meanwhile, expertly handled the aft cannon, her aim steady and unerring. She caught sight of the fourth fighter, just as it veered to evade a piece of floating debris from its fallen comrades. In that split-second, she let loose a torrent of plasma, and the fighter was engulfed in an intense blaze before disintegrating.