Chapter 69: Indigo Tiger

Centuries ago, she had seen this display of raw power, when she herself had been an Elite, and Calder had been a Keeper. Calder's essence flared, transforming and intensifying until his body was shrouded in a blinding indigo light, as if a star had descended onto the arena floor.

And then, in a brilliant flash of light, where Calder had stood moments ago, a majestic, indigo-hued tiger now stood. His powerful, lean body rippled with the sinews of a beast built for power, speed, and agility. His fur shimmered under the stadium lights, reflecting an indigo sheen that was nearly mesmerizing.

His feline eyes, sharp and focused, bore into Solari, who stood dumbfounded, utterly taken aback by the spectacle in front of him. Calder, or rather, the indigo tiger, let out a massive roar, a thunderous sound that reverberated throughout the arena, prompting awed gasps and whispers among the spectators.