Chapter 72: Arrivals

Valara didn't waste any time. Picking up her comms device again, she quickly composed a message to Caden and Elara, her fingers flying across the screen. With them, there was no need for formality. They were family, bound together not by blood but by shared experiences and deep trust.

"Hey Caden, Elara," she began, her words reflecting the easy familiarity they all shared. "I've got some news, and it's not the best kind. The Imperium, led by High Commander Drexus, is on its way to us. They've heard about the elves and want them to submit to their rule."

She paused for a moment, considering how to best convey the gravity of the situation without alarming them too much. "I want you both to know that I'm on top of this. But we need to be prepared and present a united front. Let's talk as soon as possible and figure out our plan. This isn't going to be a simple matter."