Chapter 92: Descent to the planet

The doors of the elevator sealed with an almost imperceptible hiss, and the capsule's inner lights adjusted to a calming hue, casting a soft glow throughout the space. It provided an ambiance of serenity amidst the anticipation of the journey downward.

Caden took a seat across from Elara, who had comfortably settled Solan into a state-of-the-art baby holder that hovered gently next to her seat. Valara sat on Elara's left, her eyes taking in every detail, while Solari and Ember sat side by side, their hands briefly touching in a silent, reassuring gesture.

An AI voice, melodic and gentle, announced, "Descent to the planet surface of Telarion commencing. Please ensure you are seated and secure. Enjoy the journey."

There was a momentary feeling of weightlessness, which soon subsided as the elevator started its descent. The transparent floor gave them a direct view into the core of Telarion, and what lay before them was a sight few had the privilege to behold.