Chapter 94: The Cold Tundra

The soft, rhythmic chimes echoed thrice, creating a surreal moment of stillness amidst the anticipation. Then, the sensation of weightlessness engulfed Caden as his surroundings shimmered in a dance of colors. The world seemed to bend and twist, warping the very fabric of reality around him. The sensation lasted only a moment, but it felt much longer to the uninitiated.

Suddenly, the world snapped back into focus, and Caden found himself plummeting through the cold, icy air. The biting wind roared in his ears, and the vast expanse of the tundra stretched beneath him like an endless white canvas. The thrill of free fall sent adrenaline coursing through his veins, but his instincts immediately kicked in. His essence flared, stabilizing his descent and providing him a brief moment of control.