Chapter 123: Nexali Core Repository

Polaris and Vega's synthesized voices broke through the quiet introduction of the Nexali council. "Is there a Data Access port we can plug into? We would like to assist you. Our 'Father,' Atlas, would surely concur. We believe that mutual knowledge exchange could be immensely beneficial."

The ambient glow from Lysion, Talis, and Oryel's crystalline cores intensified as they seemed to communicate silently, their colors harmonizing and shifting in intricate patterns. Their method of communication was beautiful, a mesmerizing dance of light that spoke of a depth of connection beyond mere words.

After a moment that felt both short and eternal, Oryel, the Nexali dedicated to Knowledge Acquisition, stepped forward. "This one understands the request and recognizes the potential for synergy. However, we currently do not possess a port compatible with your specifications."