Chapter 139: Cores for AI

Caden extended his arm, palm open, in a placating gesture towards the anxious Nexali. "Please, everyone, relax," he started, his voice calm and reassuring. "We've achieved the first step. Focus on reviving your people and preparing their constructs. In a few weeks, we'll return to assist you further by infusing your crystals with essence, as we did for Lysion and Talis. This is only the beginning."

Lysion, a touch of gratitude evident in his voice, responded, "Thank you, Caden. We'll use this time wisely. And before you leave, please share your coordinates. Perhaps, during your absence, some of us might wish to visit your home. We have much to learn from one another."

Caden turned his attention to Elara, his lips curving into a slight smile. "Would you do the honors, love? It seems my datapad considers me a relic of the past. Being declared deceased has its inconveniences, it seems."