Chapter 161: Friendly Sparing

As the evening went on, Sirius and Terran found themselves immersed in a light-hearted banter. Their voices echoed in the ship's training hall, filled with jibes and laughter.

"I swear, Terran," Sirius began, waving a hand nonchalantly, "I feel like I've gotten a better grasp on essence control than you."

Terran snorted, rolling his eyes playfully. "You? Please, I've managed to keep a stable orb longer than you did during the session."

Lysandra chuckled from the side, watching the exchange. "Looks like a classic brotherly rivalry."

Michelangelo smirked, "Honestly, it's entertaining. Let's see who actually has the upper hand."

Sera, trying to suppress her amusement, said, "I think you both are just showing off now."

Just then, Solan stepped in, sensing an opportunity to teach yet another lesson. "How about we settle this, then? A friendly sparring match."