Chapter 163: First Tests

"When are you planning to start the warping process?" Caden asked, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of eagerness.

Lysion, pausing for a moment to scan the faces of the group, replied, "We wanted to wait until your return, ensuring that everyone is onboard and informed. But now that you're here, we can proceed."

With a graceful gesture, Lysion beckoned the group to follow him. "Please, come with me. I believe seeing is better than explaining."

The group followed Lysion off the landing pad and through a series of sleek corridors that led them deep into the heart of the Central Tower. The air grew cooler as they descended, and the environment around them took on a more sterile feel.

After a few minutes, they entered a vast chamber, the center of which was dominated by a massive beacon surrounded by a myriad of sensors and devices, all glowing and humming in unison.