Chapter 166: Selene and Solan

Selene, her posture oozing confidence, smirked at Solan, the challenge evident in her eyes. "You know what, bring it. If you can last for five minutes and not get your ass kicked, you can take me out," she proposed, pointing a playful finger at him. "But if I win, you can't talk to me until you're eighteen. Are you up for that challenge?"

Solan, not one to back down, especially in front of Selene, flashed a cocky grin. "Oh yeah, this will be easy," he declared, rolling his shoulders and taking a more relaxed stance.

Selene raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by his bravado. She then turned her attention to the sparring robot that she was previously practicing with. "Hey, can you keep track of the time for our match?" she asked it.

The robot, in its monotone voice, responded, "Yes, I will start the timer when both participants are ready."