Chapter 169: Nexali Visit

The next morning, a soft chime echoed through the royal bedroom, signaling an incoming message. Caden reached for his data slate on the bedside table and read the message, his eyes lighting up as he did so.

"We've got a message from the Nexali," he said, turning to Elara who was finishing up her morning routine. "They want to come by Starblossom III to check out the settlement and see what we've got going on here. What do you think?"

Elara looked thoughtful for a moment. "I think it's a great idea. It's about time they got a look at what their new neighbors are like, and it might help build stronger relations between us. We can show them how we've managed to make Starblossom III a thriving community."

Caden nodded as he began to type a response. "I agree. I'll let them know they're welcome to come and visit."