Chapter 180: Quantum Sentinel Driver

Emperor Protostar stepped forward, his elegant robes shimmering with the ambient light of the room. "Before we proceed with the training, there is one last rite of passage you must undertake, Quantum Sentinel Caden. The Imperial Oath. It is an age-old tradition, binding all officials to the service and protection of the Imperium and its denizens."

He gestured to a grand old tome, bound in deep blue leather and adorned with the insignia of the Imperium. "This book," he continued, "contains the oaths of all high officials of the Imperium throughout the ages. Your oath will be added among them."

Emperor Sunfire then began, his voice clear and sonorous. "Repeat after me:

I, [Name], stand before the celestial witnesses,

By the light of the Imperium's stars, I pledge my loyalty,

To the trinity of Emperors, to every soul, every shard of our realm,

With unwavering courage, I vow to defend and uphold,