Chapter 196: Ego's

The elevator doors hissed open, revealing Deck 13. The hall was abuzz with activity. Security personnel stood in formation, forming a barrier between the two detained emissaries. Members from both factions were trading accusatory glances, their faces flushed with indignation. In the center, the five Seekers stood in a circle, ensuring that the emissaries did not come into contact with one another.

Solari and Solan had joined them, having been alerted of the commotion. Their focused expressions made it clear that they were trying to piece together the events that had led to the situation.

Caden stepped forward, his eyes scanning the detained. One was a robust figure with a sun-tattoo on his forehead, presumably from the Dawnblade Order. The other was a leaner individual with a crescent moon on his collar, from the Stellar Dawn.