Chapter 202: A Queens Demand

Several hours later, the surgery room's sliding doors hissed open, revealing Dr. Ilia Vashtar, her surgical gown stained and her face showing visible signs of exhaustion. She slowly approached Elara, Valara, Alaric, and Elowen, who immediately rose from their seats.

The corridor was filled with a tense silence as they awaited news.

Elara, her face pale, stepped forward, her voice barely more than a whisper. "How is he, Doctor?"

Dr. Vashtar took a deep breath before answering. "Caden is currently in recovery. We've done everything within our power to stabilize him, but the damage to his heart was severe." She paused, her gaze meeting Elara's. "His heart has been completely destroyed. At this moment, several machines are keeping him alive."

Valara's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes filled with tears. "So, what now?" she managed to ask.