Chapter 207: Orders Clash

Valara, with an aura of urgency surrounding her, addressed the ground teams as they readied themselves by the drop pods. "Set your coordinates for the Wraith Canyons. Time is of the essence; Elara is already on her way there."

A team leader, a seasoned veteran with scars to match, raised his hand. "And what will you be doing, Master Valara?"

Valara's eyes were steel as she turned to him. "I'm going to stop a queen from getting herself killed or from doing something she'll regret." She made her way towards the hangar bay doors, which opened to reveal the expanse of space and the planet below.

Without hesitation, Valara leapt from the Leviathan, her body surrounded by a glowing red essence that crackled and surged around her like a fiery comet. She plunged through the atmosphere, her descent a controlled fall as she used her essence to steer and propel herself toward the canyons, her sight set on finding Elara before any misfortune could befall her.