Chapter 216: True Colors Emerge

The towering doors of the Throne Chamber swung open with a resonant boom that echoed off the vaulted ceilings. Inside, the Three Emperors sat, their informal attire a stark contrast to the grandiosity of their surroundings. They seemed relaxed, unprepared for formal audiences, a clear sign that Caden's visit was indeed unexpected.

Emperor Granfel, with his stern countenance, was the first to break the silence. "Lord Driver," he intoned, a warm smile crossing his face. "Your survival is a beacon of hope in these trying times. We are most pleased to see you well."

The other two, Emperor Sunfire and Emperor Protostar, nodded in agreement, though the lines of concern were etched upon their brows, more visible after Caden's pointed query.

Caden stepped forward, the heavy gaze of the trio upon him. His voice, when he spoke, cut through the air like a knife. "Are you, indeed?" he asked, his tone deliberate, his eyes searching.