Chapter 219: Winds of Change

Gideon placed a hand on Caden's shoulder, a gesture of solidarity. "What you've done here," he began, his voice echoing the gravity of the situation, "will forever alter the course of our galaxy. People will look up to you now. They might even call for you to take a seat as an emperor."

Caden, his strength waning, raised a hand in a gesture of refusal. "We've had enough emperors," he said firmly. "Maybe it's time we pivot to something more democratic, less about a single point of power."

Gideon nodded thoughtfully, considering Caden's words. "A council, you mean? Representative of the different regions, but each governing autonomously?"

"Yes," Caden breathed, his vision of the future clear even through the haze of his exhaustion. "A council where regions coexist, collaborate. A union where power is shared, not hoarded."