Chapter 235: Sickness

That evening, as the celebrations wound down, Caden received a notification on his data slate. He excused himself from the ongoing conversation and checked the message. It was from the architect overseeing the construction of the Galactic Concord Council (GCC) Headquarters.

"Good news," Caden announced to Elara, who was sitting beside him. "The architect just informed me that the GCC Headquarters are now 95% complete. They're expecting to finish up before everyone arrives tomorrow."

Elara's eyes brightened at the news. "That's excellent. It's been a massive project, but it's going to be a fantastic hub for the new governmental structure."

Caden nodded in agreement, scrolling through the message. "There's more," he added. "The architect also mentioned that the 'Warp Room' is progressing well, thanks to the collaboration with Starblossom's engineers and scientists. They're really leveraging the properties of Essium Metal."