Chapter 259: Her Story

Lysara took a deep breath, her eyes distant as if visualizing a past that was both haunting and deeply personal. "In my universe, things were... different. Our galaxy faced an invasion, a brutal and relentless conquest by a group known as the Elven Supremacy. And at the head of that force was Elara, their queen, a leader both feared and revered."

Caden's expression was one of disbelief. The Elara he knew, a beacon of kindness and strength, was a stark contrast to this conqueror from another universe. He leaned forward, indicating for Lysara to continue.

"The Elven Supremacy swept through the galaxy, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. When they reached the Eridani system, where you – or rather, the version of you from my world – lived, they began their usual pattern of annihilation. You stood against them, a young man of just twenty, defiant in the face of certain doom."