Chapter 274: Undercover

Caden and Alaric emerged from the Regional Capital Building, the grandeur of its architecture contrasting sharply with the urgency of their mission. Caden, with his powerful essence, took off into the sky like a comet, streaking toward the lunar lab. Alaric, following suit, couldn't match Caden's speed, but his steady and deliberate flight still carried an air of efficiency and purpose.

The lunar lab, a hub of technological innovation and scientific discovery, was abuzz with activity. Researchers in white lab coats moved briskly between consoles and experimental setups, their faces a blend of concentration and curiosity. The lab, with its sleek design and advanced equipment, felt like a nexus of knowledge and exploration.

Upon landing, Caden led Alaric through the pristine corridors of the lab. Their footsteps echoed slightly in the sterile environment, the air filled with a faint hum of machinery and the distant chatter of scientists.