Chapter 291: Grand Ideas

Inside the palace, the atmosphere was one of quiet celebration. Solan, Selene, and their newborn baby, along with Aeliana and Elowen, gathered in the main living area, sharing stories and laughter. The joy of their reunion was palpable, filling the room with warmth and light.

Caden and Elara joined the group, instantly caught up in the familial happiness. Solan was the first to notice them, his face breaking into a wide grin as he walked over with his baby in his arms. "Look who's back," he said, his voice filled with relief and happiness.

Selene, radiant and beaming, joined them, carefully handing the baby to Elara, who cradled her grandchild with a gentle, loving touch. The baby cooed softly, mesmerized by the new faces around her.