Chapter 310: Storm Brewing

The morning light filtered softly through the curtains of their room, casting a gentle glow that signaled the start of a new day. Caden was the first to stir, the anticipation for the day ahead nudging him awake. He watched Elara for a moment, her serene expression a picture of tranquility, before he quietly got out of bed, careful not to disturb her or baby Lysara.

After a quick shower, Caden dressed in casual attire suitable for a day out at the festival. By the time he returned to the bedroom, Elara was awake, cradling Lysara, who gurgled happily at the sight of her father.

"Good morning," Elara greeted, her voice soft with sleep but bright with the day's anticipation.

"Good morning," Caden replied, leaning over to kiss Elara and then Lysara on the forehead. "I was thinking we could have breakfast at one of the festival's food stalls. They're supposed to have delicacies from all over the galaxy."