Chapter 337: LLC vs CS Winner!

As the duel between the Luminous Lotus Circle and the Celestial Shield escalated, the champions' essence-fueled attacks and defenses intensified, pushing the boundaries of their mastery and the arena itself. The clash had become a relentless maelstrom of power, strategy, and will, each side adapting and countering with unparalleled skill.

Fiora Sunbeam, her connection with the solar essence unwavering, unleashed a devastating barrage of light that cut through the dimming arena, her beams converging on Duncan Bulwark with the intent to overwhelm his dense defenses. Yet, Duncan, embodying the unyielding spirit of the Celestial Shield, met each attack with a fortitude that seemed to draw from the very core of the earth. His essence, thick and impenetrable, absorbed and redirected the energy, creating shockwaves that rippled across the battlefield.