The Qavec Kingdom

 Currently all the students were on vacation due to an archery competition in the Empire, where only the Royal Prince and Princess could attend. Of course, from the Kingdom of Qavec, sending two candidates namely Princess Elie and Prince Zavei.

 Elie was chosen because she is the next in line to the throne of the Qavec Kingdom. Although the Kingdom of Qavec has 3 sons, the three of them are not the true descendants of King Qavec, they do have royal blood.

 In the kingdom of Qavec, Princess Elie and the Prince are preparing themselves, not forgetting their supplies for the archery competition.

"Where is Prince Zavei now?"

 A girl with gray hair was adjusting her clothes, with two maids waiting for her behind the bamboo booth. Although she seems to be having trouble adjusting the fabric of her clothes, she ends up wearing her dress properly.

"Prince Zavei is waiting in the library room, Young Lady."

Hearing the reply from one of her maids, Elie sped up her preparations with the final touches on her gray hair.

"Sister Kae, can I ask you to get my ribbon on the bed?"

"Yes, Young Lady."

 The maid named Kae took the ribbon that Elie had asked for. After taking the ribbon Elie wanted, Kae headed into the booth while lowering her face.

"Here is the ribbon you want, Young Lady."

Elie grabbed the ribbon that was above Kae's palm, and clipped it in the side hair.

"Thank you, Sister Kae."

Kae smiled and bowed. "It's an honor for me, Young Lady."

 After finishing preparing herself, Elie came out from the bamboo booth in her room. Seeing their Young Lady's appearance, Kae and the other maids smiled while looking at each other.

"Young Lady is truly a beauty!" They exclaimed, raising their thumbs up.

Hearing the praises for her, the girl couldn't help but smile.

"Thank You." Her reply with blush on her cheeks.

Elie eyes turned to her bedroom window, watching the sun rising.

"I'm going to the library now, it's getting late." She said, arranged the supplies that had been prepared.

Kae returned a nod. "Yes Young Lady, I will convey to Sir Yover to prepare a horse carriage for you and Prince Zavei."

"Okay Sis Kae, thank you." Her reply ended with a smile.

 After interacting with Kae, Elie walked towards the library where her brother was already waiting in the room. Looking at the towering door, Elie pushed the doorknob in front of her until it opened wide enough.

The amber eyed girl caught her Brother figure waiting at the reading table.

"Zavei? Have you finished reading?" The girl asked while stepping towards the table.

The boy named Zavei turned to the person who called him. The boy's blue beads stared straight at the clothes Elie was wearing.

Elie raised one brow. "Is something wrong with my clothes?" She asked feeling weird.

Zavei shook his head, "No." Cold reply.

Elie shrugged. "All right then, now we have to get out before the sun gets lower."

There was the sound of a bench squeaking as Zavei stood up from his position.

"Yes, Princess."

There was sadness in Elie's eyes when she heard her brother reply.

"Did the real Elie have any faults with him?"

 Elie's body froze in the doorway, when a body that was not taller than her only passed by her when she wanted to hold the hand of the boy labeled her little brother.

Am I just considered extra, here? I thought while looking at the floor.

"Are you still not moving, Princess Elie?"

 After hearing Zavei's hoarse voice, Elie's body turned around from its original position. The girl's amber eyes looked straight into her brother blue eyes, who only looked at her flatly.

"Roger, Zavei!" She was very happy with her little brother.


Footsteps were heard in the Royal hallway, about six pairs of shoes clattered against each other and ran towards the Royal courtyard.


Shout after shout sounded loud to the ears of a group of people who were bidding farewell.

"Luke, Chael, don't run around!" His brother's voice replied from his position.

 However, the two little boy did not listen to their brother, they did not serve it. Boy named Luke is the second Prince who is 13 years old, with green eyes, caramel hair. Meanwhile, the small boy who followed Luke from behind was Chael, who was 10 years old, with blue eyes and black hair.

 And Zavei, he is 15 years old with blue eyes and caramel colored mane. When Luke and Chael ran towards Zavei, a girl who was a little taller than Zavie appeared from behind their brother's body.

"Nice to meet you Chael, Luke."

 Suddenly, the two little boy stopped their steps until their bodies almost staggered forward if only Elie's palms didn't support their bodies.

Elie looked at her two younger siblings with a worried look. "Are you two okay?" She asked to be sure.

But the replies from her two younger siblings made Elie face turn sad, where Chael and Luke rebelled and released themselves from Elie grip.

If so, just meeting them is already a pleasure. She muttered to herself.

 After his two younger siblings left her presence, suddenly someone poked her shoulder from the side. With a somber face, Elie turned her head to see who had poked her.

Wasn't she...

"Is Big Sister Elie leaving?" A little girl's voice broke into Elie's mind.


The little girl nodded after her name left the lips of the Big Sister in front of her.

"Sister is right, I am Reuci." She smiled so her teeth showed.

Seeing how happy the little girl's face was in front of her touched Elie's heart.

"Sister will be away for a while, Reuci must be a good girl in the Kingdom huh?" Elie said holding up her pinkie.

Meanwhile, Reuci only stared at Elie's pinky with a question mark.

"Why are you showing your little finger?" The girl pinky finger was already pointing near Elie's finger.

Elie linked her pinkie with her little sister pinkie. "This is the pinky promise."

After hearing the answer from Elie, Reuci tightened her pinky. "Pinky promise!" She exclaimed happy.

Elie smiled with a nod. "Reuci is a smart girl."

After making the pinky promise, Elie stood up again from her squatting position. Her body was facing directly against her three Brothers.

"Are you done saying your goodbyes?" She asked while holding Reuci's small hand.

 Zavei raised his face, previously he hugged the bodies of his two younger siblings. Zavei's eyes went to Elie's hand, where the girl was holding Reuci's hand.

"What are you doing?" Not answering Elie's question earlier, Zavei asked another question instead.

Elie furrowed her brows. "Give your goodbyes to Reuci as well." She said bringing her hand closer in front of Zavei.

Zavei sighed harshly. "That's enough, we have to go."

Elie ground her teeth. "Did you hear me, Prince?"

Hearing how Elie's voice sounded intimidating, he was forced to hug Reuci's body which was much shorter than him.

"Brother goes first, Reuci." He said putting distance into his arms.

Reuci nodded with a sullen face. "Be careful on your way, Prince."

After that, Reuci let go of their hug and ran behind Elie's feet.

"Then we shall go first, Your Majesty."

Elie faced the front of her father's body, bent her body and crossed her legs.

"The sun and moon are with you, be careful on your way, Princess Elie and Prince Zavei." The king touched the top of Elie's and Zavie's head.

 Elie and Zavei straightened their bodies again after giving their father a farewell. But behind that, there was Elie glaring at her two Little Brothers who only stared at her with wary eyes. Elie who saw them, just sighed harshly.

Elie stepped towards her three younger siblings with Reuci giving them some distance. "Take care of yourselves."

 Elie's palms ruffled Chael's and Luke's mane, you could see the surprised looks on the little boy's faces. Elie's body turned to Reuci who watched her with a smile.

"Sister will be back soon, Reuci." Elie pinched Reuci's supple cheek gently.

Reuci nodded. "I'm always waiting for Sister." She replied.

 Elie smiled after seeing her little sister face, she was very enthusiastic about going back and meeting her little sister. The gray haired girl body turned around, walking to her horse carriage where there was already Zavei waiting at the door.

"All right, Zavei and I will go first. Goodbye, everyone!" Elie lowered her face in farewell.

Elie's body had already climbed up the stairs, but before her body had fully entered the horse carriage. A scream rang out from behind her.


 Not only was Reuci's voice heard, but there were two boys' voices who also spoke her name. She was almost cry when she was already in the horse carriage and turned her face back, and what she saw were her three younger siblings waving to her.

Happily, Elie replied with a wave.

I don't deserve this happiness. She thought sadly.