Reason? (2)

 The atmosphere was tense and also full of nervousness, felt in a room in the Empire. Where a girl with an agitated face played with her fingers, with a chill coming from the tall man who was standing beside her bed.

"Did you know that I don't like to waste my time on useless things?"

 The deep voice that jolted her, made her lips feel heavy to speak. But she felt threatened by a girl who was standing by the door with her eyes focused on her.

Why am I cornered like this now? She thought irritated.

Seeing that the girl sitting on the bed didn't respond, the man's tall body lowered his head, looking intently at the girl's face.

"And one more thing, I just want to hear the truth," he said.

 Swallowing her saliva roughly, slowly her hazel beads dared to look at the red eyes that were already staring at her with interrogating eyes.

"I was threatened by Princess Elie, Your Highness," she said trembling.

One eyebrow raised, "Threatened?" He asked.

Slowly, her head nodded. "I'm afraid that after complaining to, Your Highness, Princess Elie will hurt me even more," her shoulders shook as she spoke.

 Meanwhile, the girl whose name kept being spoken just stared at the Princess who was sitting in the bed while talking to the Emperor.

The black haired man crossed his arms over his chest. "Explain, the threat and what she did to you?"

Stealing glances at Elie, Anette tightened her grip on the blanket covering her legs now.

"If I tell you about her hurting me, then she will continue to torture me to the point of using sharp objects. And as you can see now, Your Highness." She opened her blanket.

 Bandaged leg with blood still seeping through the gauze bandage. Carlex's red eyes flamed when he saw that almost all of Anette's leg was bandaged, even the wound underneath was still very wet.

"Are you sure Princess Elie did this?" Carlex asked again.

Nodding quickly, Anette grabbed Carlex's hand and gripped it in fear.

Anette glanced at Elie who was looking at her blankly. "Help me, Your Highness, I don't want to see her again."

"All right."

Not only Anette, but Elie who heard it was also shocked. Elie's gaze turned to Carlex's back, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Your Highness…" Elie straightened her body.

Meanwhile, Anette, who saw Elie's shocked face, only put on a haughty smile.

"I'll send you back to the Kingdom."

The shock of hearing what the Emperor said made her speechless, she even stared in disbelief at Carlex.

"But Your Highness, I still want to be here."

Carlex flicked his hair back, looking coldly at the face of the girl who was sitting on the bed.

"Do I need to say it twice? I don't want to see a liar roaming my Empire," he explained.

Carlex shook off Anette's hand that was holding his hand, moving his body away from the girl's bed.

"Better come back soon, before my son finds out about this," Carlex said walking closer to Elie.

 Feeling ignored, especially the Emperor who immediately turned away from her and returned to Elie. Her fingers clenched tightly against the bed, the attention that should have been on her instead turned to that annoying girl.

"WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THAT WHORE?" Her scream hit the bed hard.

Carlex's body stopped, and his gaze fell on Elie who looked worried.

"What exactly did you do to the Imperial family, lowly Princess?"

 Hearing curses for her, of course, it's not a pleasant thing for Elie. The amber beads turned to Anette's condition, which could be said to be very messy.

"Didn't I tell you not to lie? I can't hold back my annoyance every time you always try to get rid of me, even..."

Elie glanced at the ring on her middle finger, "You tried to injure and harm Prince Clovis right after our engagement."

"Do you think I can still hold my temper after all you've done?" Elie asks.

Seeing Elie's flat face, which was still the same as when she saw her, made Anette look at her in annoyance.

"You don't deserve Clovis, you're just a slut that always steals his attention!" She shouted slamming the pillow to the floor.


 Surprised to hear a loud sound from the door being pushed hard. Elie turned her body with Carlex who was already standing beside her. Both of them saw who opened the room door roughly, even the doorknob was broken.

"Who?" Elie mumbled.


 Elie's eyes opened wide after seeing the tall stature in the black robe that symbolized the Empire. The long sword that almost touched the floor, that body turned towards her.

"Bring Princess Anette out of the Empire with no respect."

After giving the order, a group of guards entered and were followed by two Knights.

"Imperial Knights?" Elie muttered.

 Meanwhile, behind her was Carlex who was smiling proudly looking at the tall body and broad chest of the man who entered the room.

"He doesn't normally summon Imperial Knights, calling them would mean Princess Anette's name will be tarnished."

Elie turned her head and saw the serious face of the Emperor who was watching the man standing not far from them.

"Did Your Highness summon him?" She asked.

Carlex's face looked down, "Of course, it wasn't me," grins.

Elie narrowed her eyes, then she turned back to the man who was staring at her wistfully.

"Prince Clovis..." Elie ran to the tall man.

Hearing his name being called, made his lips smile. His arms stretched out, welcoming Elie's coming running towards him.



 Clovis laughed seeing Elie bumping into his body, moreover the girl's hand groping his waist. A body that was shorter than him, and also the gray hair that was very charming in his eyes.

"It's been 4 months since I've seen you, Prince Clovis," Elie said nuzzling her face into Clovis' hard chest.

"I miss you."

 Meanwhile, Clovis chuckled at the feeling of a nuzzle against his chest. Feeling the warmth enter his body, Clovis slowly embraced Elie's smaller body.

"I missed you too, Elie." His whisper touched his forehead on the top of Elie's head.

 Elie smiled happily, she tightly hugged Clovis's waist which was very comfortable for her. Moreover, the small kisses on the top of her head made her chuckle.

I want time to keep spinning here. Elie thought.


 Elie's brow furrowed, hearing the word "husband" made her irritation increase. Elie pulled her body from the hug that she didn't want to let go if only that girl named Anette didn't bother her.

"For a fact, I don't want to use my power here," Elie walked towards Anette who was rebelling against the guards.

After arriving in front of Anette, Elie gave an annoyed look at the girl who was trying to free herself.

"But I'll show you why my last name is Tzeitel," Elie took a necklace out from under her clothes.

A necklace with a Ruby Ranunculus pendant catches the attention of two men who are watching her.

"I revoke all cooperation that the Kingdom of Qavec has forged with the Kingdom of Noriatte on the grounds of trade racketeering, and betrayal."

The necklace that Elie was wearing shone after the girl announced the termination of cooperation with Noriatte.

"Your Request has been noted, Princess Crown Elie." A voice came from that girl's necklace.

 Amazed by the necklace she was wearing, Elie smiled in satisfaction. Unlike Anette, who was tired of seeing the behavior of the girl who looked arrogant to her.

Anette gripped her arm. "I will repay you, Elie," she muttered while glaring at Elie sharply.

Meanwhile, Elie who heard that also put on a brave smile, "Do I seem like an easy enemy to you, Princess Anette?"

"Die!" Anette got up from her position.

 However, the girl's movement had been seen by the two knights who had been watching her. Both of the girl's arms were locked by the magic used by one of the Knights.

"We will bring you back, Miss Anette."