Fireball Plow

The countdown to the open beta was 9998 years.

An Kai left the Mage Tower!

The lake that had disappeared reappeared, and the Mage Tower was hidden in the water, emitting a black light.


"Reid, do you think Master Hanks will come and save us?"

"Ha! Don't even think about it! Lord Hanks is wanted by the Shaq Kingdom and is hiding in Primal Chaos City, not daring to come out!"

"Sigh. Why do you think Hanks provoked the Shaq Kingdom?"

"How would I know? But what I'm sure of is that the four of us are about to be treated as food by these two damn orcs!"

"Damn it! It was all that bitch from the Buklin Duchy's fault. She could have hidden anywhere but Primal Chaos City!"

"The world is unpredictable. To think that I, Reid the First, would actually become the faeces of the orcs!"




Beside the lake, Reid and his three warriors were tied to four branches.