The Kind An Kai

"A spy from the seven kingdoms, including the Shaq Kingdom?"

"Including…" Hanks smiled sheepishly. Speaking of which, the Mage Tower mission was a mission given to him by the Kingdom of Shaq.

Just because of some… accidents, the result did not meet the expectations of the Kingdom of Shaq. There was nothing he could do, as the other countries had offered higher bids.

This was also Hanks' principle as a spy of the Seven Kingdoms. He was the spy for whoever paid the most money.

An Kai looked at Hanks, who was hunched over and looked old. He had an intuition.

Being a spy was not everything Hanks did.

He had a feeling that Hanks had something he still hid from him.

However, looking at the old man's appearance, he could not get anything useful out of him even if he continued to ask.

"I couldn't tell that you had such an identity.