Magic Stone Mine

"In two months, we collected 3612 gold coins for protection fees and 1851 gold coins worth of items.

"According to our distribution method, you should get 4371 gold coins.

"I've already exchanged for 4371 low-grade magic stones for you. They're all here."

Hanks handed An Kai a roster.

It recorded the resources he had obtained from the residents of the city during this raid.

Every stroke was recorded in great detail.

It was easy for An Kai to investigate.

He only needed to randomly pick a few from the roster to check if Hanks was fooling An Kai.

Taking the roster, An Kai held it in his hand and carefully flipped through the records on it. His mouth was not idle. "Hanks, who do you think I am? I definitely believe you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he pursed his fingers and flipped to the next page.

Hanks was already familiar with An Kai's two-faced attitude.