Changing Face

Inside the room.

Wayne smiled.

In his hand was a scroll that emitted magical elements.

This was his painstaking effort to successfully analyze the Wind Blade Technique to the point that even Apprentice Mages could use it.

It was the same level as [Frost], and it could be used at [Level 0].

Such a change might be of little value to some high-level mages.

However, to a mage like An Kai whose level was locked, Wayne was a great benefactor!

He walked to the gate, intending to welcome Hanks back.

Looking at it now, it was better to forget about it.

"Hanks is back. Go and welcome him."

A wave appeared, and a confused Mason appeared.

He really couldn't figure out how An Kai, who never left the house, knew that Hanks had returned.

This was too... It was magical!

However, Mason also understood that although An Kai was rude, sinister, cunning, brutal, cautious, and cold-blooded, he never lied.