So It's You!

[Rarity: Excellent]

[Usage Requirement: Stamina 500, Strength 1800.]

[Remark: A high-quality dagger after strengthening. Its attack power can be maximized under the disguise of a pitch-black colour.]

Holding it in his hand, although An Kai couldn't use it, he could feel that the sharpness of the upgraded [Concealed Dagger] had increased by several levels.

After [Enhancement], there were still 11 Class 4 Monster Cores left. An Kai kept them as payment for his [Enhancement].

After leaving the Mage Tower, An kai took the strengthened [Concealed Dagger] and came to Mason with a serious expression." I paid a huge price to help you complete the strengthening.

"Of course, you don't have to be touched. You've done your best for me, so I naturally won't mistreat you!"

When he spoke, An Kai appeared very solemn.