Two Minutes

The president of the Seven Country Mage Association, the honoured guest of the City Lord of the Chaos City, the friend of the Orcs, and so on.

These were the identities that Dong Lin had used before.

It was not an exaggeration to say that he knew in his heart which people in the desert and the surrounding seven countries could grow to threaten him.

Including the chaos city leader. Why did she appear to be such a dumb bimbo? Only he and the chaos city leader knew the real reason.

Therefore, after the seven kingdoms were converted, Dong Lin didn't put the remaining orcs and chaos city in his eyes.

He thought that he could complete the final unification with just a casual move.

As such, Dong Lin had the leisure to control his clone to head to the House of Kindness and transform the City Lord of the House of Kindness.

However, in the end…

This made Dong Lin extremely furious!

The fun was real fun, and he became An Kai's fun.