
"Master... Is this the legendary Spirit Endowment Mystic Realm?"

Mason didn't care about exposing his identity. He stood in front of An Kai with an excited expression.

His eyes stared at the [Spirit Endowment Dungeon Certificate] in An Kai's hand without moving.

"95% chance of death. Do you want to enter?"


Mason said without hesitation.

Even if there was a 99% chance of death, it was still worth taking a risk for a Stage 5 professional like him who might not be able to enchant a spirit in his life.

An Kai looked at how excited Mason was. He decided to let him see the reality. Could Mason reach the stage of having a single attribute over 2000?

Although An Kai didn't know what Mason's specific attributes were, based on his previous experience with Mason, Mason shouldn't be able to do it.

Even if he was a Stage 5 [Assassin].

"Mason, first of all, I'm not looking down on you.