Seizing the House

"I'll give you 2 gold coins.

" So, the price of the middle-grade sorcerer's stone this time is 998 gold coins.

"And you, my friend Hanks, you still owe me 12248 gold coins.

"The last person who owed me money should have been reincarnated through a damn god by now, right?"

After reading the booklet in his hand, he confirmed that there were no mistakes.

"Hanks, 12248 gold coins. According to your previous calculations, I can buy 12248 of them. Ahem."

At this point, An Kai glanced at Widow Wang. The meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.


"Old thing!"

Widow Wang felt uncomfortable under An Kai's gaze. She remembered Hanks from the past, who had priced her at one gold coin.

A slap landed on Hanks' head.

This slap made Hanks stagger and almost fall.

Seeing this scene, An Kai thought that if Nurnisius saw this, he could mock Hanks for being afraid of women for a while.