Spell Restriction

In [Razor's Mage Tower].

An Kai felt like he was sitting on a small boat in the middle of a turbulent sea.

The mage tower shook.

There was even a 360-degree flip.

The items on the second and third floors of the Mage Tower poured out.

Countless resources fell to the first floor.

This included the 23 mid-grade sorcerer's stones that he had spent more than seven years to obtain from Hanks.

The middle-grade sorcerer's stone, which was the size of a human head, fell down the stairs from the third floor to the first floor of the mage tower.

It landed right beside An Kai's feet.

The tremors lasted for a full two hours.

He was inside the mage tower, but he wasn't injured.

However, An Kai felt as if the food he ate yesterday was about to be shaken out.

At the same time, because he was hiding in the Wizard Tower, An Kai did not experience the forging of the power of heaven and earth.