President Dong Lin, Long Time No See

In Undead Town.

Within the castle of Dong Lin.

He was already fully prepared.

Once he finished collecting the medium-grade sorcerer's stones from the seven countries, he would be able to advance in one fell swoop and step into a new realm!

Then, he would head to the desert. Dong Lin swore that he would tear apart that ant that had been causing trouble bit by bit!

The mining of the magic stone vein in the capital of the Buklin Duchy was originally assigned to an ordinary Stage 5 and two pseudo Stage 5.

Ten years ago, Dong Lin set up the plan.

Things were different now. Dong Lin felt that it was inappropriate to continue like this.

Even though he was confident that he wouldn't be exposed, there was a chance that they might run into those lunatics in the desert.

He had heard that the group of lunatics in the desert had not only killed the foreign races who had entered the desert by mistake.