President Dong Lin, Long Time No See

"Are you sure there are no spies around?"

"Master, I've checked 15 times and confirmed that there are no spies."

Dong Lin nodded.

"Tell them to speed up!" he ordered anxiously.


Northwest of the Capital of the Buklin Duchy.

There was a mausoleum here.

It was originally the imperial tomb of the Buklin Duchy.

It had now become the gathering place of the dwarves in the Buklin Duchy.

An Kai disliked this group of short, burrowing scumbags the most.

They looked similar to humans, but when they attacked humans, they were the most ferocious.

At the same time, they also used their talent in forging to provide equipment and weapons for the foreign races in the seven kingdoms.

"Wayne, are you sure this is the place?"

Standing outside the mausoleum, Wayne nodded with certainty.