The Widow

Chaos city.

After a huge commotion in the Divine Court.

This caused the number of people here to decrease by nearly half.

This was also because Will Buklin had sacrificed himself to save them. Without him, the whole city might be empty.

The torrent surged over. The turbulent torrent was one thing, but the other was the tremor that resounded through the Wasteland.

Most people died from the tremors.

With this change, there were only 500,000 people left in Chaos City.

Only the main city remained.

The city consisted of the four Guard Cities in the north, south, east, and west, as well as the inner city in the middle.

This plan was proposed by An Kai, and Wayne made some "fine-tuning".

The desert had become an isolated island.

It was trapped in the ocean, and its area was only half of the former Bukling Duchy.

How big was the desert originally?