
"The East Continent will perish!

"Longevity species are just the beginning!

" We've reached an agreement with the Chaos Sea. We'll head to our new residence through the Chaos Sea and the Home of Kindness.

"A place full of love and kindness.

" There's no war, no enemies. Dharmic powers, elements, lifeblood power, and Celestiality are dense!

"Due to the limited area of the new residence, humans are prioritized, followed by orcs, half-orcs, and magical beasts."

The theory of world destruction was spread by the Mage Association.

Of course, these comments had nothing to do with An Kai.

He had only set a boundary for the president of the Mage Association, Brian William.

The rest was up to him.

Just like when he gave Wayne a mission, An Kai did the same.

Compared to An Kai, he only cared about the results.

As for the process, he didn't really care.

Even if the process was to destroy the world, it was nothing.