Hate Lying

"Sir, our Green Devil Tribe has more than ten million people.

" But with the disappearance of the Great Lord, 90% of our Green Devil Tribe was taken away.

"Currently, there are less than ten million left."

The Green Devil lowered his head and revealed all the information he knew.

After the Great Lord led the Green Devils to disappear, their status had been declining day by day.

"Less than ten million?" Hearing this number, An Kai was a little unhappy.

What use would tens of millions of Green Devils have to him?

Even if he killed them all, it would only be ten million Green Devil cores.

And this was when all the Green Devils were adults.

Seeing An Kai's displeasure, the Green Devils did not know what the problem was. He could only brace himself and continue to explain the fertility rate of the Green Devils.

The Green Devils and Goblins belonged to the same race.