The Doctrine of the Mage Association

49 years ago.

In the end, the Great Lord of the first level of the [Wealth Abyss] did not return to the [Wealth Abyss].

According to the rules of the abyss, the position of the great lord of the [Wealth Abyss] was still vacant.

The candidates for the 50-year-long " Great Lord election " were the 18 lords of [Wealth Abyss].

The Green Goblin Highlord felt bitter.

He also wanted to return to the Abyss and continue being a Great Lord.

In the end, the Longevity Race Overlord colluded with some living beings in the Divine World to forcefully keep him in the Divine World.

He could only watch helplessly as his position as the Greater Lord of [Wealth Abyss] was taken away.

In addition, he also learned something even more terrifying.

[Wealth Abyss] had 18 lords, and 10 of them were set up by the Longevity Species Great Overlord.