Despicable Magical Beast

Even if there were people who were suspicious, they would ask themselves, "What ability does he have to make so many living beings say the same thing?

"If he can do this, why is he still hiding?"

Even the five hegemonic powers of the Divine Realm did not have such methods!

Only the Longevity Great Overlord reserved his doubt.

After that, he asked the leaders of the ten forces, as well as some of the spies he had planted, to monitor the ten leaders.

The information he received was the same.

Even so.

The leader of the longevity species was still suspicious.

There was no other reason.

All of this was going too smoothly.


The next day.

Through the [Sub Plot], An Kai saw the reactions of all parties to his second performance.

One of them was the Longevity Great Overlord's reaction.

It would be said that the one who knew you the most was your enemy.