Lvl 140

He might as well put the thought aside for the time being and continue to sense his other upgraded spell,[Summon]!

This time,[Summoning] was upgraded from [Level 130] to [Level 140]. The most obvious change was that the height of the [Gate of Summoning] had increased to 1000 meters.

As for the benefits...

It could allow An Kai to enslave and contract living beings faster.

The changes in the Gate of Summoning were actually insignificant for An Kai.

He was more concerned about the second change in [Summon].


It could trace back to the past year and summon all the True Spirits that were related to An Kai.

The prerequisite was that the other party's truesoul still existed.

One year.

It seemed like a very short time.

It was not very useful.

But An Kai knew that this was just the beginning!

It was also a beginning.

[Level 140] spells could be traced back to a year ago.