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The mage tower where An Kai was located had 98 swords, and all of them were occupied.

Among them, 97 were level-9 gods, and one was level-8.

And this was the Home of Kindness deliberately hiding it. If it wasn't for the sake of stability, their current strength might have changed.

Along with the awakening of the level-7 and level-8 gods.

The level nine gods had also been revived on a large scale.

It was just that after the awakening of a level-9 god, he did not have a high status.

Therefore, it was not well known to the gods of the Divine Realm.

However, others did not know, but An Kai, as the City Lord of the Home of Kindness, knew everything.

Today's Home of Kindness.

In terms of overall strength, they were definitely inferior to the three major factions in the Divine Realm: the Light God Faction, the Tier 1 God Faction, and the Tier 2 and Tier 3 God Faction.