Boundless, Leap!

At this time, he needed another method, the help of [Summon: Jump]!

[Summon: Jump] meant that An Kai could place the [Gate of Summoning] in front of any True Spirit in his perception.

Coincidentally,[True Spirit of Spells] was also a type of [True Spirit].

It also met the requirements for the [Gate of Summoning] transition.

With the [Gate of Summoning] as a medium, the [Mage] Armored Giant could enter the [Gate of Summoning] according to An kai's wishes due to its special characteristics. Then, through the [Gate of Summoning], he could cross over!

An Kai experimented with this when he tested the effects of the two new spells on the fourth floor of the [Sixth Level of the Divine Court].

Every time, he easily summoned the [Mage] Armored Giant through the [Gate of Summoning].

Therefore, when An Kai arrived at the fifth level.

After seeing the fifth level of [Spell True Spirit], An Kai smiled…