Weird Weird

The [God of Light] sensed that there was a group of gods gathered in the Divine Realm.

What surprised him even more was that he was unfamiliar with this divine aura…

"Strange, strange, strange! There are gods that I'm unfamiliar with."

Originally, the [God of Light] thought that it was a new god born in the Divine World in recent years…

But thinking about it carefully, it shouldn't be.

There was no other reason. The path to immortality was already broken.

When the Gods completely disappeared the last time, the Divine Realm would no longer be able to give birth to Immortals.

The [God of Light] continued to probe and enter the Divine World. He continued to search for the aura of the gods and headed east…

Finally, he entered the Chaos Sea.


At first, the [God Nurturing Center] was very successful.

These level six gods were born according to the will of the Home of Kindness.

As time passed.