
In the end…

Under the influence of the two magic elements [Light] and [Darkness],[God of Radiant Light]'s emotions kept changing.

With the repeated abuse, he no longer met the conditions to use the [God of Light]'s backup plan.


[God of Radiant Light]'s devotion to [God of Light] disappeared…

Right at this moment!

[God of Radiant Light]'s protective shield completely disappeared.

An Kai's eyes lit up!

The [Fireball] in his hand smashed out!

The scorching temperature and the threat of life came at him!

At this moment, the God of Radiant Light suddenly realized something.

The first thing he did was to deduce the solution.

[God of Light]'s backup plan!

Then, the [God of Radiant Light] tried to call the [God of Light] in order to summon the backup plan that the [God of Light] had set up…
