An Kai Card [Contract] Reappears in the World of Martial Arts

[Level 1:10/10 Locked]

[Spirit " True ": 46803.2310 " 33548.6661+13254.5649 "" Leaping God: Five Levels Above God "]

[Mana 'True': 46,803.2310 "'33,548.6661 + 13,254.5649 "'Leap God: Five Levels Above God']

[Qi 'True': 46,803.2310 "'33,548.6661 + 13,254.5649 "'Leaping God: Five Levels Above God']

[Physique 'True': 46,803.2310 "'33,548.6661 + 13,254.5649'"'Yue Shen: Five Levels Above Deity ']

[Talent: Immortality " infinity ", Body of God " Lv 4 "," Heaven and Earth Transformation "," Mind Connection "]

[Enchant: Mage Domain]

[Attribute Advancement: Chaos Clone]

[Exclusive Attributes: Focus 'Spirit,'Cycle 'Mana,'Boundless 'Qi,'Suppress 'Physique'.]

[Spell Level 211 " Divine Enhancement ":" Meditation "," Fireball "," Magic Armor "," Summoning "]

[Spell Elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Ice, Thunder, Light, Darkness, Spirit, Space.]

[Divine Rule: 'Impartation']