Chaotic Time

" Lady Christy, we are about 1065 breaths away from the Fallen God City.

"This is the first time the Fallen God City is in the same time flow as us. If we miss it, we don't know when we will encounter it again.

"According to the information sent back by our deceased companions, [Fallen God City] is very likely to be controlled by a powerful god who is close to the strength of a level 4 god…


Hearing that, Christy frowned for a moment before replying calmly," Leave it to me!"

" If he finds out that we haven't taken revenge for the humiliation of Home of Kindness, he will definitely blame me!"

At this moment, Christy's face had long lost the feminine look she had when she first followed An Kai.

With a mature look on her face, people would be able to calm down with just a glance.

Christy had long forgotten how long she had been in the [Fourth Level of the Divine Court].