The Sorrow Was Divided

"Of course!" The [Dark God]'s clone, which was shrouded in black fog, heard the [Light God]'s muttering and gave a very certain answer.

"After they descend to the Divine World, not only will they be promoted to a first-level god immediately, but their strength is also not weak!

" The five of them are ranked on the God List: 454, God List: 453, God List: 452, God List: 451, and God List: 450!

"When they advance to a level-1 god, it's very likely that they'll be ranked around the top 400 on the god ranking list!

"How can Archmage fight us?

"How long has the [Archmage] accumulated? Humph!

"This is the accumulation of our two Overgods!"

[Dark God] was very confident.

He, indeed, had the right to be confident.

However, there was one thing he didn't know. The Archmage wasn't his biggest enemy.

His biggest enemy was hiding in the [Ring of Meditation].
