Race Against Time

An Kai's plan was simple.

Every time he reached an Abyss World, he would use the Fire World to clear out the living beings in that space.

After the Abyssal World ended, he would enter the insect realms that were attached to the Abyssal World.

With the [Fire World] as the main force, he killed tens of thousands of abyssal creatures.

It was used to increase his strength.

Everything he did was done quickly and efficiently.

He wanted to shorten his time as much as possible and return to the Home of Kindness as soon as possible.

Because An Kai didn't know.

Whether [Ring of Meditation] could block a [Tier 1 God].

He had already learned through the [Side Story] that the creatures that descended to the divine realm this time were all gods specially arranged by the three Overgods.

It was far beyond An Kai's expectations.

The ten peak level 2 gods were specially prepared by the three Overgods.